Good Vibrations is a Mental & Emotional health support group for the music community started by Ritnika Nayan, owner of Delhi based music company – Music Gets Me High.
A 2017 study by Help Musicians UK found that musicians are three times more likely to experience depression. There is a lot of stigma attached to mental and emotional help, especially in the music community. The music industry is a unique space where alcohol and drugs are considered the norm. Often people in this industry don’t reach out to mental health professionals due to fear that they won’t understand this lifestyle.
This group is run by veterans of the music industry who understand the demands of this business and hence are here to listen with an open, nonjudgmental heart and mind. Our mission is to create a monthly safe space where anyone working in the music community (musicians, industry professionals etc) can come and share their personal stories and get the support they need.
This is an open event, all are welcome. You can come and share or you can just listen. There are no rules. We will be there for the entire duration – even if no one shows up 🙂
About Ritnika Nayan:
Ritnika has been working in the music industry for nearly 18 years in New York, London and India. Her company MGMH deals with artists management, bookings, rehearsal studio, festival production and consultancy. She has released two books on music – HUB and Indie 101.
Ritnika also has a healing practice under the name Natural Vibrations. After experimenting with various energy healing modalities to heal her own emotional issues and dissolve her blockages, Ritnika learnt about other methods of energy healing. She is a certified Breakthrough life Coach with Hypnosis and Timeline technology, Neuro-lingustic programming (NLP) practitioner, an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner, a Spirit healer based on shamanic principles and a gifted oracle card reader. Ritnika has undergone her training from Vitality living college (UK/India) and is certified with the Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques (AAMET), Association of NLP (ANLP) and trained according to the standards set by the American board of Hypnotherapy.
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